We celebrate with you the love that God has given to you and your future spouse. We look forward to working with you to plan for your wedding ceremony and prepare for your marriage.
Couples who wish to be married at Bygland Lutheran Church must contact the pastor at least three months in advance of their desired wedding date. Only members of the Fisher Bygland Lutheran Parish may schedule a wedding. Please be advised that weddings are usually not scheduled during the season of Lent, between Ash Wednesday and Easter.
If you wish for the pastor to officiate at a site other than the church building, remember that the pastor has Sunday morning worship responsibilities. If your destination is more than one hour away from Bygland, only Friday weddings may be scheduled. You will be responsible for the pastor’s travel and lodging expenses, including mileage reimbursement from and to Bygland Lutheran, for the entire trip.
Please do not finalize any other plans until you have set your wedding date with the pastor and the parish secretary.
Your wedding is one day, your marriage is for the rest of your lives. Preparing for your life together is the first step in a healthy marriage. The State of Minnesota offers a reduced fee marriage license for couples who complete twelve hours of marriage preparation, including an assessment tool and conflict resolution training. You will complete the PREPARE inventory online before meeting with the pastor for four 2-hour sessions. There is a $65 fee for this inventory, payable by credit or debit card. You will have homework to complete between the sessions.

No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the church premises, including the parking lot.
No flash photography is allowed during the ceremony. Video recording of the ceremony shall be done in a discrete way from a corner of the nave (worship room) or the balcony.
Photographers shall not block the view of any guests and are not allowed behind the altar during the ceremony.
Flowers or additional candles are not to be placed on the altar. Flowers are allowed on stands next to the altar.
Unity ceremony items, such as candles and sand containers, shall be placed on a stand or table in the altar area.
No furniture or other items belonging to the congregation may be moved without permission from the pastor or wedding coordinator.
No rice is allowed. Birdseed or soap bubbles may only be used outside.
A wedding coordinator will assist the pastor the day of the wedding and be present in the event of an emergency.

Music is a very important part of every worship service. You are responsible to secure musicians for your ceremony. A list of possible musicians is available. You are encouraged to choose music from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal.
All wedding ceremony music shall be in keeping with a Christian worship service and approved by the pastor. Recorded music shall be used only with special permission from the pastor.

Set up and Clean Up
All set up shall be scheduled with the pastor to make sure there are no conflicts with the use of the building.
Cleaning up is the complete responsibility of the wedding party. All wedding and personal items shall be removed immediately following the wedding. Candles shall be extinguished.Furnishings that have been moved shall be returned to their original locations. Floors shall be swept and vacuumed as needed. All trash shall be picked up, trash cans shall be emptied, and trash shall be removed from the premises. Bygland does not have a dumpster. All lights shall be turned off and doors locked.
The wedding rehearsal shall be scheduled with the pastor. It is important that the bride, groom, bridesmaids, groomsmen, ushers, flower girls, ring bearers, bride’s parents, groom’s parents, musicians and anyone else who will participate in the wedding attend the rehearsal. It is courteous for all parties involved to be on time.
